It is FINISHED! The semester is finally over for me and I know most of you are wrapping up your spring semester's as well, and if your in primary or secondary school you have a few weeks left (but this message is for you too). To ALL GRADUATES OF 2013 (((CONGRATS))). Keep Up the Great Work!
WHEW! I'm glad it's over. Thank You Jesus! I don't know about the rest of you but I feel like singing songs of exuberant joy for conquering one more feat in my excursion to success and walking across that platform. I hope as you close one more chapter in your life you will also be exceedingly glad about the great things God has in store for you. We can shout together GLORY! Victory is ours! So finish the Spring in style and leap into Summer with both feet. Enjoy yourself and have fun, you've earned it! ;)
It would be out of character for me to tell all of this and not uplift you to stay Holy in the midst of your efforts to live it up this summer, with the wind in your hair. What is the next step God has for you? If one door closed what is the next door that will be opened? What is the next thing God wants for you to do in this season? Well, do not look to me for the answer to these questions. Ask our Father for yourself and you'll be shocked by what He says. It's great to enjoy the summer, but if you are not helping someone else to get to know God in the process, you are living in vain.
Here's something else to drop in your lap, if life ended for you today, "What kind of Legacy would you be leaving behind?" This question isn't just for you, but me as well. We have to cause change in the world together. I know this a lot to take in, but I'll be back soon.
As Always Keep The Faith.
Joy. Kindness. Grace